Postnatal Yoga

It's time to give back to you
To Mother the Mother
Being responsible for your baby in the outside world is all consuming, as it needs to be - as rewarding as this is, let's be honest it is also at times incredibly draining not only physically but mentally and emotionally as hormones are still out of whack. It is so important that we don’t lose sight of ourselves in this post partum period. If we get to the point of exhaustion we are of no use to our babies or families and certainly not ourselves. Yoga is a wonderful way to replenish and reset, to get you back to a state of feeling fulfilled and centred and ready to then give more fully to your bub.
These postnatal classes will
- Rebuild strength of core and pelvic floor
- Revitalise your energy body
- Open tight areas associated with being a new mum - shoulders, back and hips
- Encourage loving acceptance of your body and appreciation for all it has given you
- Clear and calm the mind of self doubt and distraction
Feel free to practice when bub is napping or lie your little cutie beside you - there are options to engage with your bub during practice too.
Please ensure you have had your 6 week medical check up and have your doctors permission to practice yoga.